Sunday, April 10, 2016

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How to jump start your diet: 10 tips you need to know..


jumsmdJump start your diet for two weeks with these helpful tips.  They may help you get the results you need to stay motivated!
A diet jump start may help you to see some results fairly quickly, which means it may motivate you to step up your weight loss efforts and stick with your plan. At the same time, if you do want to jump start your diet, it's important to do it the right way. 
There are a few things you can do to safely give your diet a kick start for a couple of weeks. Try these 10 tips to fast-track your diet.
10 Tips to Jump Start Your Diet For Two Weeks
1.       Commit to your plan in writing.
Write down all the reasons and motivations you have for losing weight and getting into shape, and post your list someplace where you'll see it every day.
2.       Plan out all your meals and snacks.
When you write out a detailed meal plan, it helps to firm up your commitment - you can consider your own personal likes and dislikes, and really "own it". You can also use your menus to create a detailed shopping list and plan for preparing your meals for a few days at a time.
3.       Get rid of foods that aren't on your meal plan.
Once you've decided what you're going to be eating, it's important to get rid of all the things that might tempt you.  Go through your freezer, refrigerator and cupboards, and clear out any foods that aren't on your plan.
4.       Eat five times a day. 
Plan to have three meals and two small snacks, and plan to eat every 3-4 hours.  It makes it easier to eat smaller portions at meals and snacks when you know you'll be eating every few hours. 
5.       Eat all your meals at home. 
Eating out is convenient, but you'll have much more control if you can prepare everything at home for a couple of weeks. When you assume full responsibility for what you eat, it's a lot easier to keep track of your calories.
6.       Replace two meals a day with a meal replacement.
Meal replacements come in many forms, including Herbalife® Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix, other protein shakes and Protein Bars.  What makes them so convenient is that they're portion-controlled, designed to be nutritionally balanced, and they take the guesswork out of your calorie counting.  Many people find that an easy way to jump start their diet is to replace two meals with a meal replacement shake or bar, then have a calorie-controlled, healthy entrée as their third meal with extra veggies and salad on the side.
Note:    Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix is low GI tested.
7.       Eat the same menu every day. 
Some people find that it helps to eat the same menu every day for a couple of weeks.  Plan out what you'll eat, how much, and calculate the calories so you'll know exactly what you're taking in every day. 
8.       Eat more vegetables than fruits, eat more fruits than starches. 
For just two weeks, aim to get most of your carbohydrates from veggies and salads.  Keep your fruit intake to just one or two servings per day, and skip the starches.  Vegetables have the fewest calories per bite, but they're filling and nutritious, so load up on salads and cooked vegetables.  Have your fruit as a snack or add it to your protein shakes.
9.       Start lunch and dinner with a salad. 
When you start your lunch and dinner meals with a lightly dressed salad, you'll start to fill up without consuming a lot of calories.  Vegetables take up a lot of space in your stomach, so having your salad first can help you control the portion size of your entrée. And, eating in courses also helps you to slow your pace, too.
10.       Start every meal with a glass of water.
A glass of water won't necessarily fill you up very much - or for very long - but many people find that it does help.  And, since many people don't drink as much fluid as they should, starting each meal with a glass of water may help to establish this healthy habit.
Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.

Protein Shakes – A Beginner’s Guide

Protein Shakes – A Beginner’s Guide From Herbalife 
Curious about protein shakes but don’t know where to start?  Here’s your go-to guide – how and why to use protein shakes, how to choose a protein shake mix, how to make a shake and how to personalize your protein shakes!
If protein shakes aren’t part of your regular diet, it may be because you think they’re only meant for heavy-duty athletes or serious bodybuilders.  And while it’s true that many athletes use shakes to refuel after exercise, there are plenty of reasons why “regular folks” might want to consider protein shakes, too.  Plus, they’re quick, convenient, and fun to make!

What is in a Protein Shake?

While there is no set definition as to what a protein shake actually includes, it’s basically a drink that provides protein – and oftentimes additional nutrients as well, such as vitamins and minerals.  Some shakes are designed to simply supplement the diet with protein, while others are more nutritionally complete and can be used to replace a meal.   Some protein shakes are sold in ready-to-drink form, but many people prefer to make their own protein shakes by combining – at the very least – a protein powder and a liquid;  but they are often customized by the addition of other ingredients such as fruits and vegetables.

When and Why to Use a Protein Shake

As a quick, balanced meal.
Protein shakes that are designed to replace a meal are great for people who are meal-skippers.  They’re quick and convenient, and can provide balanced nutrition when time for meal preparation is limited.
As a meal replacement to help you lose weight. 
For those who are trying to lose weight, a meal replacement shake can be used to replace one or two meals per day.  Aside from being convenient, protein shakes have a defined calorie content and are portion controlled, which makes it easier to more accurately count calories and control total intake for the day.
As a supplement to help you gain weight.
For those who are trying to gain weight, protein shakes can be used to provide supplementary calories.  Drinking a protein shake in between meals or at bedtime can help to boost calorie intake.
To supplement your protein intake.
Another reason to consider using a protein shake is to boost your overall daily protein intake if it’s difficult for you to meet needs from your meals alone.  When you make your own protein shakes, you can adjust the amount of protein in your shake according to your individual needs.
As fuel before and after exercise.
Many people use protein shakes after a workout, but they’re also useful as pre-exercise meals, too.  Those who work out in the morning often like to ‘top off the tank’ with a light meal, and protein shakes can fill the bill.
As a means to improve your dietary balance. 
A simple protein shake is like a blank canvas – you can add all sorts of things to your shake that can help you meet your daily nutrition goals.  It’s easy to add a serving of fruit or vegetables, but you can also boost your fiber or your intake of healthy fats with the proper add-ins.

Choosing a Protein Shake Mix For Your Protein Shake

Some protein shake mixes are “complete” – they’re designed to be prepared simply by mixing them with water.  But, more typically, protein shake mixes are designed to be mixed with milk –the combination of the shake mix and the milk provides the right nutritional balance in the finished shake.
Protein powders derived from animal sources include whey and casein (both come from milk), as well as egg white protein.  For those who prefer to get their protein from plant sources, there are powders derived from sources such as soy, rice, pea, quinoa or hemp.
Some protein powders contain a blend of proteins. One reason for this is that different proteins are digested at different rates (whey protein is digested more quickly than casein, for example), so some people feel that blends are better at satisfying hunger.
Another reason is that – with the exception of soy – vegetarian proteins are not considered nutritionally complete.  So, many vegetarian protein powders contain a blend of several plant proteins – this way, the final product provides the full complement of essential amino acids and is, therefore, a complete protein.
Many protein powders are flavored, although you can find plain, unflavored powders, too.  Most people find that the tastiest shakes start with a flavored protein powder, such asHerbalife® Formula 1.  Then, they’ll customize the amount of protein in the shake by adding extra unflavored protein powder like Herbalife® Personalized Protein Powder if necessary for their needs.
Most protein shakes, when made according to the directions on the package, typically have about 15 to 20 grams of protein per serving. An Herbalife® Formula 1 shake made according to package directions supplies 18 grams of protein. 

Choosing a Liquid to Make Your Protein Shake

In order to get the proper nutritional balance in your shake, it’s important to make your shake according to the package directions.
If your protein shake mix calls for milk:
–  Many protein shake mixes are designed to be mixed with milk so that the finished product will have the nutritional balance that the manufacturer intended.  For this reason, only cow’s milk or soy milk should be used in products that are designed to be mixed with milk.
–  Both cow’s milk and soy milk contribute additional protein to your shake – another 9 grams or so.  These milks also provide additional vitamins and minerals that complement the nutrients in the shake mix, making the finished shake more nutritionally complete.
If your protein shake mix calls for water:
–  Water should be used only in those protein shake mixes that call for it.  These products are  nutritionally balanced on their own, and do not rely on additional nutrients from the “mixer” liquid. In place of plain water, you can also use black coffee or brewed tea if you like.
–  Rice, almond, hemp or oat milks provide very little protein, so these liquids are typically used in those protein shake mixes that are designed to be mixed with water.  These ‘milk alternatives’ will add a bit of flavor and a few extra calories to the shake, but very little protein.
–  Fruit juice doesn’t contribute any protein to your shake, either – so, again, it should be used in products that are designed to be mixed with water. But, fruit juices contain quite a few calories, so keep that in mind if you’re calorie-conscious.  On the other hand, if you’re trying to boost your calorie intake, using fruit juice in your shake might work for you.
–  Of course, milk or soy milk can also be used with protein shake mixes that are designed to be mixed with water – the addition of milk or soy milk will just boost protein content (and calories).

5 Ways to Customize Your Protein Shake

Add Protein to Your Protein Shake. 
Even though your protein shake already contains protein, you might want to include more if your protein needs are high.  You can add plain protein powder, of course, but you can also add foods like low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, ricotta cheese or silken tofu to boost protein content.
Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Protein Shake. 
Adding fruits and vegetables to your protein shake is an easy way to get more servings of these healthy foods in your daily diet.  Frozen fruits and vegetables are convenient, and they give your protein shakes a thicker texture.  Experiment with different fruits and vegetables (you might start with sweeter veggies like carrots or butternut squash) and try different combinations – like pineapple with carrot, or banana with butternut squash.  When you’re feeling a little more bold, try adding more unusual ingredients to your shake –  like baby spinach leaves or beets.
Add Fiber to Your Protein Shake. 
Most protein shake mixes don’t contain a lot of fiber, and most people don’t eat as much fiber as they should, so try adding high fiber foods to your shakes.  Obviously, you can choose a dedicated fiber powder or go with fruits and vegetables, rolled oats, bran, or seeds such as sunflower, flax or chia seeds which all contribute fiber.
Add Calories to Your Protein Shake.
If your calorie needs are high, you can add rolled oats, nuts, nut butter, avocado, or dried fruit to boost the calorie content of your shake.
Add Ice to Your Protein Shake.
Ice makes a nice addition to a shake because it thickens up the liquid.  Ice also adds volume to your shake, so it increases the portion size without adding calories.  A great trick for those who are watching their weight!
How do you like to make your protein shake?  Share your favorite shake recipe!
Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.
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